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Who am I ?

I come from a family of intuitive people, my ancestors had gifts of visions and mystical shaman-like powers. If I had only learned about my innate psychic abilities at a younger age I would be way more in sync with my abilities nowadays.


I grew up in a strict Christian home so psychics and mediums were a taboo subject for all. Even though as a child I would see spirits and foretell the fortunes of others, and more importantly, understand people at an incomprehensible level, even as a child and pre-teen/teenager. Growing up in that home I was bestowed with “prophetic” abilities, these came directly from God and were to be used for the glory and honor of God only.


In my latter high school years, my family slowly stopped going to church. And in 2009 my gifts began to beckon to a higher cause. I received visions of dead people reaching out to me. One does not understand insomnia until they feel the presence of many standing around their bed waiting to have a chance with “the medium.”  


You see, I don't consider myself a Medium, as I have had many situations and circumstances where the dead seem to never leave me alone. I don't wish to help the dead, I wish to help the living, hopefully, you, whoever you are reading this. Though I should add that spirits do come into my readings sometimes, which I am okay with.


Though my life story is not all peaches and roses. I believe Mid November 2011 to 2014 are what some would call the “Dark Years of the Soul.” And I will tell you a little bit of why I experience what I experienced.


I became “too spiritual,” which is a funny thing for a psychic to say. Then I became “too invested in love” which is also funny for a psychic to say as well. Some people will tell you about the amazing guy I am (which I am), they will talk about how the world needs more people like me and I am something out of this world. But there are a select few who know that deep down there was a time when I was destined for death by suicide and mental health issues. Who understood that I was in the wrong relationship with the wrong partner and that I was blinded by my fears and past.


I needed to deal with many things that happened in my past before I could reach the place where I am. We all have demons and skeletons in our closet and we need to embrace these and understand they made you the person you are today. But they do not define you, you choose who you want to be, what you want to do and more importantly, how you wish to live.


I have become so self-aware after the events in my life that I see much clearer now. And I am being drawn by the powers of the universe to do readings again. It is my choice to do these with love and care and to help others see what I have seen without enduring what I have endured. To put love where before others only put hatred and jealousy. To end vicious cycles of hate and begin a new cycle of self-awareness. To bring the scale back down to ground zero, you are not one tiny insignificant person on Earth, but instead, you are your own world, and if I can inspire one person, I can and will change the (your) world.

Please don't hesitate to ask me about my past or my past clients. I will speak to you about these things free of charge! You can't put a price on friendship.


-Many Blessings!


-Jesse Aaron

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